Cidralic, The poison wielder

Cidralic, The poison wielder
A character from my novel. The narcissistic poison wielder, Cidralic. Drawn by Raphael. Here is a link to his Deviantart portfolio.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Update, Steampunk and beyond!

Hey, I been MIA foe a while now. So I thought I would just do a small update on what I been doing thus far (with my writing at least).

I have two ideas floating on my head for a while now that could be potential stories. One is for a women's fiction novel, and the other for a children's or young adult steampunk novel (Wild West setting). I began outlining some of the plots for both stories, but I haven't gotten far on either of them.
I also bought a book from Amazon titled "Everyday Life in the Wild West: From 1840-1900". I'm hoping that reading it will help add a more genuine taste to my story since it covers may mundane things that add that little touch of believability.

I also been revising a bit of my second novel, The Lost and the Wicked, and am in the process of submitting the chapters in Critique Circle for review.

That's pretty much it for me right now (at least for writing). How about some of you? What have you been doing?


  1. Hmmm…I do love myself some steampunk. The last steampunk novel I read was Behemot, I kind of dragged on but not too bad I must say.

    Nice to see that you're moving on to a new story. Best of luck on your goals to get for first story published. I'm currently sending out mine too but am having little luck. Maybe I should try sending to a professional editor like you did.

  2. Oh, yeah. What's the name of your editor?

    1. Her name is Kathleen Marusak. She's really good, and an awesome person. Her rate is $2 a page if your interested. You should definitely contact her to get your story polished. Just let me know if you need her email.

  3. Really? A womans fiction? That's so much different than what you have put up on Critique Circle so far. It's all young adult. What in the world drove you to even consider writing a womans fiction?

    1. I would really love to publish in different genres. But well see what happens. I've read a few woman fiction novel's. My favorite, by far, is THE PROMISE OF STARDUST. It's an absolutely great novel. I loved it.
      I actually have already began outlining the first chapters of the woman's fiction novel, but have only gotten the first 3 chapters thus far.

      Well, well see what happens. Wish me luck.

  4. Cool. Best of luck to you with the steampunk. I really loved Mortal Engines, that's probably the best steampunk I read. Have you read it?
